Welcome. This is the official web site of Male High School's own Thomas Sanders. Please note that any views and expressions expressed here may not be reflected by yours, but they should be. This is my new home page. The old one didn't interest me that much and was kinda boring, so I decided to move and redesign. Besides, my old host was a bit unreliable. Now, for those of you who don't know me, my name is Thomas Sanders. Most of you who used to go to Barret or currently go to Male High should know who I am. If you are an e-wrestler, then you may know me as Spud. Well, this is my 3rd attempt to redesign my site, and I hope to make this one better than before. Feel free to come back here. COMING SOON: THE THOMAS SANDERS WIN95/98/NT 4.0 DESKTOP THEME!! (MS PLUS! REQUIRED FOR '95)